Official event videographers on DN Events only. Anyone filming Nurburgring video on the events without the express permission of the organisers and without official permits/insurances will be asked to leave.
There shall be no sales of any video related services on track, in the pitlane or paddock areas without the express permission of the Ringweekends Ltd.
You are welcome and encouraged to use personal video recording equipment
In car video allowed if
any camera is securely mounted inside the car
Cameras/camera mounts are securely tethered to a fixed point in the car.
Nürburgring 1927 Gmbh and Ringweekends Ltd reserve rights over all images recorded on the event. Sometimes, we may ask you to delete videos in the interest of safety.
Absolutely no drones. The track and the surrounding area is a ‘NO FLY’ zone without appropriate permissions from the relevant air traffic control agencies.